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来源:https://www.sdlaochenjia.com/ 发布时间:2022-10-24 次数浏览:111

In general, bean curd and brain stores are mainly opened in the form of franchise, which is relatively advantageous to start a business. So what are the problems that should be paid attention to when opening a tofu brain shop? Now let's talk about the old Chen's bean curd brand.
Having the basic capital and working capital of the old Chen's bean curd is what every bean curd franchise investor needs. It does not mean that it is enough to prepare enough capital for opening a store. It also needs to reserve a part of the working capital to supplement raw materials, repair equipment, etc., otherwise, the late support will not be enough.
Now, due to the participation of a large number of investors in the market, the competition among tofu brain stores is very big. Even in big cities, the variety of bean curd products is uneven, so there is still room for progress. The homogenization of tofu brain market is serious. To make products stand out in such a huge market, we must be brave in innovation.
If you choose to join Tofu Brain, you should have brand awareness, agree with the corporate culture of the old Chenjia Tofu Brain Company, and follow the mature operation and management mode of the headquarters. The operation methods of the joining company are accumulated over time, but directly applied to the Tofu Brain Store.
Can accept the training from the brand headquarters, and operate according to the training requirements. Don't go to open a tofu brain shop just because you are eager to learn some skills. At that time, the production process business is not skilled, the formula technology is not up to standard, and the tofu brain products produced are predictably bad, unattractive. How can the shop operate?
You need to have some marketing experience. After all, bean curd stores, like other businesses, should sell their products to as many people as possible. Therefore, operators need to start from the perspective of consumers, think about their needs, and show more advantages of tofu brain shop to customers, so as to bring profits to tofu brain shop.
In addition, like production technology, publicity activities, management mode, etc., the headquarters of Laochenjia's tofu head office will provide systematic training, which is one of the reasons why many people choose to join the tofu head shop. Come here if you need https://www.sdlaochenjia.com Look!


