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来源:https://www.sdlaochenjia.com/ 发布时间:2022-12-30 次数浏览:111

Many people often have a bad appetite, which will damage their body and gastrointestinal tract in the long run. Therefore, they can eat more food that can enhance their appetite when they have a bad appetite, such as bean curd brain. Because the minerals and trace elements contained in bean curd brain are beneficial to improving appetite, and can also promote gastrointestinal digestion, In addition, eating more bean curd can also promote the teeth and bones.
Bean curd is a soybean product, which is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, potassium and vitamin E. The protein content of soybean is about 22%~37%, the composition and proportion of essential amino acids are similar to animal protein, and it is rich in lysine lacking in cereal protein. It is a natural ideal food complementary to cereal protein.
The nutrition of bean curd is not only no less than that of milk, the concentration of protein and calcium in bean curd is even higher than that of milk, and the calcium and iron in bean curd are more conducive to human absorption. The large amount of minerals and trace elements contained in bean curd brain are conducive to enhancing appetite, in addition, it can also effectively promote digestion of the stomach and intestines.
Bean curd contains rich vitamins, and a piece of bean curd contains vitamin b1 and vitamin b2. It also contains vitamin e and vitamin k, which are essential vitamins for human body.
Old Chen Jiashimo bean curd maker believes that regular consumption of bean curd can effectively inhibit the intake of cholesterol, and soy protein can effectively reduce the content of plasma cholesterol, which can effectively prevent colon cancer and help prevent cardiovascular disease.
Bean curd contains plant sex hormones, which can effectively prevent osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Compared with eating meat and drinking milk, the cholesterol content of bean curd is almost zero, which is the savior of the three high friends to supplement protein. Almost everyone can eat it, and it can also double the nutrition after being matched. If you have any questions, please come to our website https://www.sdlaochenjia.com Consult!


