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来源:https://www.sdlaochenjia.com/ 发布时间:2022-11-25 次数浏览:111

Have you noticed that sometimes the tofu curd you ordered outside is not so smooth and rough, like grains, which makes people feel uncomfortable? What's the reason? Mr. Chen's tofu brain shop will give you some reasons for reference.
Cause 1: The dosage of coagulant is incorrect. Soybean milk is proportional to lactone. If it is put too little, it may only partially solidify. If it is put too much, it will become sour. The dosage needs to be adjusted according to the concentration of soybean milk, otherwise the appearance will be rough.
Reason 2: It may be that the preparation method is wrong. For example, lactones should not be melted with warm or boiled water, but should be melted with cold boiled water. The amount of water should be appropriate. Adding a little can open lactones. If the above steps are not done well, granular or flocculent soybean flowers may appear.
Reason 3: Too much lactone is put in, and the soybean dregs of soybean milk are not filtered. As a result, the water tofu has many honeycomb eyes, and the taste is rough and not delicate.
In fact, bean curd can be eaten even if it is rough and unsmooth, but its taste is not so good.
Part of the reason why the tofu curd is not smooth is the above explanation. You can have a look and hope to answer your questions. More relevant content will come to our website https://www.sdlaochenjia.com Consult and understand!


